The Lord(s) Can Do No Wrong

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

Published 2 years ago -

By Martin H. Levinson

Liberals are upset that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas did not disclose that he received lavish international trips and had his mother’s rent and grandnephew’s private school tuition paid by a billionaire, GOP benefactor. They are also unhappy that his wife, Ginni, a conservative political consultant, received tens of thousands of dollars under the table from a nonprofit that filed a brief to the Supreme Court in a landmark voting rights case. Adding insult to fake injury, the secretive-money arrangement was put together by Leonard Leo, an executive vice-president of the Federalist Society—a God-fearing, God-loving political- interest group dedicated to planting God-anointed, God-inspired justices onto federal courts.

Leftists don’t get that Supreme Court justices are above manmade law and ethical decrees because they serve on the Supreme Court, a body that by its very name tells you that the people that labor there are Supreme Beings—flawless, all-powerful rulers of the legal universe.

Questioning the ethical or legal behavior of Justice Thomas is like doubting the authority of the Creator. We may not know why the Almighty does what he does but we know everything he does is for the best. No matter what happens to us in this life, if we have faith in the goodness of God we will be rewarded in the afterlife. Justice Thomas is being well-rewarded now, and that is as it should be since it would be petty and wrong to deny a deity a little earthly happiness because of political ideology.

Justice Samuel Alito, a pious magistrate of the first rank, has been taken to task by some on the left for not reporting a luxury fishing trip he received that was paid for by wealthy conservative donors. In fact, he told his wife and some of his closest friend friends about that trip. Alito, who believes those created from Adam’s rib should bear Adam’s children, even if such bearing ensued from rape or would endanger a woman’s life through childbirth, has been particularly piqued with attacks on the “legitimacy” of the Supreme Court. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, the Bible of American business, he said, “We are being hammered daily, and I think quite unfairly in a lot of instances. And nobody, practically nobody, is defending us.” Don’t include me as a non-defender.  I think the Supreme Court is great and it will continue to be great unless Lucifer and the Democrats can manage to get a majority of left-leaning judges appointed to the Court.

Chief Justice John Roberts—hallowed be his name—has had to put up with carping about his wife Jane having made millions of dollars as a legal recruiter, placing lawyers at firms with business before the Supreme Court. He was recently chastised by the libs for refusing to testify to Congress about Supreme Court ethics. What’s wrong with these disbelievers? Are they devil worshippers? Has Satan, or Biden, poisoned their minds? Do they not understand the meaning and sanctity of lifetime judicial appointments that guarantee Supreme Court justices can do whatever they want with impunity? Do they not grasp that Supreme Court justices, like God, reign supreme?

We need to pay homage to the justices on the Supreme Court and not engage in calumny and condemnation. Let the lords of the law rule in any manner they see fit and let the spirit of the lords to do what is right be praised throughout the land. And let blasphemers beware that casting aspersions upon those who make decisions from which there is no appeal may find it difficult to enter heaven, be subject to plagues like having blue states turn red (which would actually be a good thing), and have rulings go against them in cases brought in front of judicial immortals, who will surely not look kindly on those who have the temerity to take the lords’ names in vain.

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