The Backbite Lies of a Profiteer

Sunday, September 22nd, 2024

Published 6 months ago -

The Backbite Lies of a Profiteer

By Henry Wadsworth Wrongfellow

aka Martin H. Levinson


Listen my children and you shall hear,

The backbite lies of a profiteer,

On the Sixth of Jan., in Twenty-One,

He said to a group of guys with guns

Hang Mike Pence and have some fun.


He told the insurrectionists, “March down to

the Capitol, stop the counting at once,

Break into the building, and don’t be a dunce,

Trash what you can, go on a spree,

I’ll be watching it all on my trusty TV.


If soldiers show up you might have to retire

And if that occurs you may want to yell fire,

Then hit the streets and look all around,

You’ll have just two choices to stay safe and sound.


One run by land, two flee by sea,

And I at the Oval in the heart of DC

Will open my cellphone and give a call

To a past New York mayor filled with bile and gall.


Rudy will run to the courts,

claim the election was rigged

By Nancy Pelosi and other Dem Bigs,

They knew I beat Biden, the numbers be damned,

I’m ruling this nation as long as I can.


My crowds are the biggest, my crowds are the best,

I’m richer than Croesus, a genius possessed,

A winner of everything I undertake,

A master logician, a man on the make,


A friend to the masses, against the elites,

Women just love me, they fall at my feet,

That includes Harris, who will lose in November

because unlike me she’s a world-class dissembler.


She’s dead in the water, no need to campaign,

I’m taking over my rightful domain,

First thing I’ll do when I get back in power,

Rebranding the White House, DC Trump Tower.”


So spewed the words from the mouth of a guy

For whom the truth is the same as a lie,

A man who’s based his entire career

On the backbite lies of a profiteer.

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