Republicans and Democrats Discuss Candidates for President in the 21st Century

Sunday, March 1st, 2020

Published 5 years ago - 1

by Molly McCaffrey

Donald Trump is a real hoot! He’ll say anything. I love that guy.

Bernie Sanders used a salad fork to eat steak in 1972. He’s the least electable person in history.

Mitt Romney is insanely ethical. I love that guy.

Elizabeth Warren’s great grandmother wore rabbit fur to her senior prom. I worry she’s not electable.

John McCain is a war hero and true patriot. I love that guy.

Hillary Clinton stole her neighbor’s chocolate chip cookie recipe when she lived in Little Rock. Is she even electable?

Ted Cruz is such a fighter. I love that guy.

Amy Klobuchar wore white after Labor Day all through her twenties. She’ll never get elected.

George W. Bush would be a GREAT drinking buddy. I love that guy.

Mayor Pete stands in the middle of the escalator even when he knows people are behind him. He’s totally unelectable.

Jeb Bush has so much experience. I love that guy.

Michael Bloomberg hits reply all every time he gets a group message. He cannot possibly get elected.

Mike Pence is so freaking bizarre. I love that guy.

Barack Obama? Dude has been seen in Mom jeans. How could he ever get elected?

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