Letters I Sent to My Fiction Workshop

Sunday, August 16th, 2020

Published 5 years ago -


Note to Workshop:

Submission 1

Hello HELLO! Thank you guys so much for reading the start of my big project / fictional novel / demon child that haunts my dreams. I know the semester has just started, but I really think this is going to be an amazing workshop.

I guess I should give you background info? I always go back and forth on providing this, since I sometimes feel that you should just be thrown into the writing like a real reader would be. Yet, I also need to explain just a little bit about these pages.

So my novel (how crazy is it to say that? My ~novel~) follows two characters, Lauren and Peter. It starts with them meeting by chance when an elevator breaks down in the apartment building they both live in. Thus, creating this whole crazy chain of events!! I know that sounds so #basic, but trust me shit not only hits the fan, but the lamps, TV, dining room table, etc. haha.

Since this is the start, I won’t say much else. This is rough, I know, but I’m excited for feedback! Thanks again 😊.

Your Hometown Hero,


Note to Workshop!

Submission 2

Here are chapters 3 and 4 of my untitled project. Side note – if anyone at any time has any title suggestions please let me know! I’m horrible at coming up with titles ☹.

Recap time!

First, I have to say sorry for that crazy font in the last submission. I’ll stick to Times New Roman from now on! Also, since it kept coming up, all I meant by “real” readers were people (in the future) who’d pick up my book in a bookstore! I mean, fingers crossed I ever even get there haha I know my last pages were all over the place.

I took your suggestions and changed the main girl, Lauren, to a boy, Tim. I liked the idea of two male leads instead of one girl and one boy. I don’t think it’s necessary either honestly to have a girl POV? Her thoughts were so scattered, and I guess it seemed weird for her to reject Peter’s advances, when I described him as, “devilishly handsome.”

So here are the next chapters, with those changes! I also am bringing in donuts next week for everyone 😊.

The “O.G.”



Note to Workshop

Submission 3

Hi everyone. Thanks for reading. So I went back and reworked the first chapters with Peter and Tim since the novel is going in such a different direction.

I decided to take the workshop’s advice and add in a suave priest named Father Charlie. I can see what people meant that it was weird religion was never mentioned within the first 25 pages, so I think this should solve that. Also, I took out everything about Peter’s mother because her presence did indeed feel “too big.”

Also, any title ideas? I know this isn’t pressing/ barely worth asking but I honestly am the worst at this. Two summers ago when I was freelancing at that real estate magazine they asked for a list of fun, snappy titles/slogans for articles and after struggling for DAYS I sent them this horrible list and none were used and it still haunts me to this very day.

Thanks again everyone! I’m really excited/ nervous for you to read.


Lucy AKA here are some of those horrible slogans that were rejected

Where the Land Meets the Bay

Surreal or Dreamlike: A Hampton’s Story

East End? How About East FRIEND

Hydrangeas Are the True Summer Classic

The Perfect Addition to Your East End Landscape



Submission 4/ Last Submission

I can’t believe the semester is almost over. I want to apologize again for missing some classes. Anyway – here are my last pages.

After listening to everything everyone said, I think you guys are right. If I set the story twenty years in the past in a monastery in Ireland, then perhaps the characters could really have room to breathe. However, by doing this I had to rework the whole novel / plot/ characters / outline I had spent the summer working on. Thus, here are completely new pages.

I’m so happy I was in workshop with you guys this semester. I feel that I’ve learned so much about writing and editing.


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