Disloyal? I Don’t Think So!

Saturday, January 16th, 2021

Published 4 years ago -

By Martin H. Levinson

The patriotic Americans who stormed the Capitol on January 6th did so because Congress was about to ratify the results of a presidential election where millions of illegal immigrants mailed in votes from their vacation homes near the fields where they worked, where hundreds of thousands of would-be Trump voters were made to stay home by knife toting members of Antifa who tied them to their bedposts and forced them to listen to op-eds in the New York Times, where one man voted 800,000 times for Joe Biden, and where Donald Trump’s name was not on the ballot in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia.

What were these patriots supposed to do? Accept sixty-plus court verdicts from around the country saying there was no widespread voter fraud? Accept the election results certified by each state as being accurate? Accept the fact that Joe Biden won the popular and electoral vote for president? I don’t think so! This is America where the facts are you what you think they are and if you can get enough people to agree with you, you can become president.

The Congress was going to do the unimaginable on January 6th; declare that the winner of the electoral vote would become president on January 20th. But what’s up with that? Just because you win the electoral vote does that mean you become president? I don’t think so! The original, hand-written Constitution has a secret provision that says the loser of the electoral vote, if he is an incumbent and a very good president, can remain in office as long as he can convince his base that the election was rigged and that the deep state is out to get white people. And that’s what happened here.

The fact is, Donald Trump should have been declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election in October and Joe Biden should have gone home to Delaware to play with his grandchildren and get treated for hoof and foot-in-your mouth disease. But was that going to happen? I don’t think so! Rather, the US Congress was going to proclaim that a ninety-year old leftist pawn with delusions of grandeur and his black queen were going to become president and vice president of the United States of America. President Trump tried to right this injustice by calling for a rally of his supporters, the real Americans, the true patriots—people worthy of the Presidential Medal of Freedom like the Proud Boys, the QAnon crowd, anti-maskers, Covid deniers, and lots of other loyalists who have their own fantasies and dreams about the nature of reality. These individuals know it is far better to feel things in your spleen than to know things in your brain.

On the morning of January 6th, an army of freedom warriors gathered together peacefully on the Ellipse Grounds in Washington DC and, urged on by our wonderful president who told the crowd “You can never take back our country with weakness,” marched to the Capitol to reclaim the Halls of Congress for the American People. This led to fake outrage by some Republican legislators, who got worried because some people died during the uprising that they should condemn the great Americans who sacked America’s swamp-filled seat of government. But these turncoat Republican lawmakers should have focused their wrath on the actual villains, the folks who voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris; two Marxist politicians who want everyone to have affordable health care, a good education, and a worry-free retirement.

Instead of denouncing those who attacked the Capitol on January 6th, every Republican legislator should have praised the brave men and women who took the law into their own hands and tried to show the nation that might makes right. That’s been the playbook ever since the Gingrich years because when your party can only rely a minority of voters, and those voters don’t want that number to expand, what else can you do?

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