Friday, March 29th, 2024

Published 11 months ago -


by David Comfort


33 AD. Good Friday, dawn.


JESUS: Messiah

PHIL: Good Thief

PETE: Unrepentant Thief



Golgotha, overlooking Gaza and the West Bank.

Three crosses: Jesus, center, in loincloth. Phil, right, in boxers. Pete, left, in briefs.

Below: CENTURIONS throw dice for their hoodies and Birkenstocks.

Breaking ice, Thieves introduce themselves to God’s son.


PHIL: Hey, man. I’m Phil. Sorry I can’t shake your hand.

PETE: Pete here, bro. [reading name tag above crown of thorns] …INRI?

JESUS [eyes heavenward]: “The words are yours.”[1]

PHIL: What are you up for, Inri?

PETE [soto, to PHIL]: Nails, headgear — gotta be worse than us. Thank God we get the twist-ties and footrests!


Off stage: Marys, lunatics, lepers wail Jesus’s name.

PHIL (double-taking): Holy Smokes… of Nazareth, son of Joe? You guys remodeled my mom’s place!


PETE: I dated your sister!


JESUS [to a passing cloud]: “How much longer must I endure them?”[2]

Off stage, COCK crows three times. DISCIPLES flee.

PETE: Jeez. So much for a little help from your friends.

PHIL: Don’t feel like the lone ranger, bro.

JESUS (to the crowd below): “Behold, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!”[3]

PETE [morosely]: Hope springs eternal.

PHIL [to JESUS]: Forgive him, he’s Orthodox.

JESUS [to PHIL, confidentially]: “Today you shall be with me in Paradise.”[4]

CENTURIONS [to JESUS]: If you’re God’s son, prove it – save yourself!

The savior stubbornly remains aloft.

PETE: Do what you got to do, dude. Suicide by Roman, whatever. But why not let us off?

PHIL: We’ll fence the Grail, tithe to the United Jewish Appeal.

CENTURIONS peacock around the crosses in Jesus’s tee and hoodie.

JESUS [to incoming whirlwind]: “Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they do.”[5]

PETE: WTF, man!

CENTURIONS send up the sponge. JESUS recoils.

PETE & PHIL [to CENTURIONS]: He’s AA – on the Twelve Steps.

Thieves suck the sponge dry. Rehydrated, pushing their luck with the pagans:

PETE & PHIL: Smokes?

CENTURIONS pole up a Camel.

As Thieves light up, MOSQUITOES swarm Jesus’ stigmata.

PETE: Christians! [to JESUS] Somebody loves you after all.

JESUS: “Get thee behind me, Satan!”[6]

Suddenly struck by a Charley horse, Pete goes into spasms on the lumber.

PHIL [to PETE]: Shake it off, snowflake — No pain, no gain!

JESUS [deliriously muttering parable excerpts]: Two debtors… Ten virgins… Good Samar…

PETE: Enough of the fairy tales, Jack. The jig’s up – nobody’s Lazarus here!

Five pints low from mosquitoes, Jesus swoons.

PETE & PHIL [trying to rouse him]: Hava nagila! Uru aḥim be-lev sameaḥ, Be-lev sameaḥ. Hava nagila!

Unmoved by Pharisee folksongs, the Almighty’s son doesn’t stir.

PETE [to JESUS]: Nobody’s buying it, man!

Jesus’ head falls on his breast.

PHIL: Stay with us, bro!

PETE [breaking into a shepherd call, in Aramaic]: Yodel-aiy hewho! Yodel-aiy heeWHOOO!

JESUS [throwing his head to the sky]: “’Lord, why hast thou forsaken me?’”[7]

Drawing a final breath, he exhales explosively.

PHIL: God bless you!

PETE: Gazuntite!

Black clouds roil in from the horizon.

Sky rips open above the crosses. Angels, saints, and flaming steeds fly hither and thither.

Thunder crashes, lightning flashes…



Lights come up, revealing:


Still tied into his, the Unrepentant Thief eyeballs them, slack-jawed.

PETE: My bad! [crying to Heaven] Jesus H — Yodel-aiy heeWHOOO!



[1] Matthew 27:11

[2] Matthew 17:17

[3] Matthew 4:17

[4] Luke 23:43

[5] Luke 23:34

[6] Matthew 16:23

[7] Mark 15:24



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