Trump is Bustin’ Out All Over

Saturday, January 2nd, 2021

Published 4 years ago -

By Martin H. Levinson

With apologies to Rogers and Hammerstein
(Sing to the tune of “June is Bustin’ Out All Over” from then musical Carousel)

Joe Biden
Trump’s goin’ out like a lion
He’s whippin’ up the country sayin’ neigh
Then the courts all cried and stepped aside
And along came a pardon cavalcade
At Justice they were full of promises
But they didn’t keep ‘em quick enough for Trump
And the crowd of doubtin’ honest men
Was predictin’ that his end would never come

The Congressional Democrats
But it’s come by gum
You can feel it come
You can feel it in the news
You can see Trump has the blues
You can see in his tweets
You can smell it in his bleats
Look around! Look around! Look around!

Adam Schiff
Trump is bustin’ out all over
All over the meadows and the Hill
Bullshit’s bustin’ outta bushes
Rants are coming from his tuchas
Just crazy things from a guy who wants to kill
Trump is bustin’ out all over
The feelin’ is gettin’ so intense
That Chuck Schumer and Pelosi
Are doin’ dosey doseys
Even Susan Collins climbed down off the fence
Because the end is near

The Congressional Democrats
End, end, end
Just because the end is near

Nancy Pelosi
Fresh and alive and happy and young
Trump’s end is a sweet song sweetly sung

The Congressional Democrats
Trump is bustin’ out all over
His toadies are bustin’ out with crap
Jared’s runnin’ round like Rover
Bill Barr has said it’s over
And his appointees are just takin’ their last laps
Trump is bustin’ out all over

Chuck Schumer
The world’s leaders are no more payin’ court
Lots of folks are acting franker
There seem to be less rancor
Looks like even Mitch McConnell can’t be bought.

The Congressional Democrats
Because it’s the end, end, end
Just because it’s the end, end, end

Bernie Sanders
Biden makes the Oval look bright and new
With the prospect that the public won’t be screwed

The Congressional Democrats
Trump is bustin’ out all over
Fox news is no longer gettin’ thrills
With their tall tales all a twishin’
They’re not doin’ so much dissin’
Every news host hopes that Donald will just chill

Barack Obama
Trump is bustin’ out all over
The Dems are not sleepin’ any more
They just went and got the White House
And all Trump can do is grouse, grouse
And the Supreme Court is not even keepin’ score

Everyone in the country who wants good government
On account it’s the end, end, end
Just because it’s the end, end, end

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