A Psalm for the Tea Party

Sunday, September 21st, 2014

Published 11 years ago -

By Dan Geddes

1) The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want to talk to liberals.

2) He maketh me lie down in untaxed green pastures: he leadeth me to the clear waters of pro-Gun states where I can shoot deer or thieves as God intended;  no one  shall take my guns away.

3) He restoreth our souls to their Constitutional originals; he leadeth us down the righteous right-wing path where no left-leaning wingnuts lie in wait.

4) Yea, though we walk through the Silicon Valley in the shadow of the American Sodom, we fear no evil: for thou art with us; thy rod and thy staff (though phallic) shall comfort us.

5) Thou preparest a meat-laden table before us, far from the wayward vegans: thou maketh our states abundant with tar sands oil; at $2 per gallon my gas tank runneth over.

6) Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and we shall dwell as majority party in the House and the Senate for ever and ever. Amen.

Dan Geddes

21 September 2014

See also: A Psalm of Sarah by Becky Garrison

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