Skeptics Wonder if U.S. World Domination Plan Still on Track
Sunday, February 25th, 2018WASHINGTON – While most Americans support the U.S. drive for world domination, some have confessed to harboring doubts about the master plan.
A recent CNN / Langley University poll of Americans showed that 18% of Americans were skeptical about the U.S. master plan for global hegemony, a significant rise from the 12% rate of imperial skepticism found during an April 2016 survey taken under President Obama.
Skeptics doubt whether America’s plans for global mastery are still on track, especially during the seemingly ill-starred Presidency of Donald Trump, with its series of staggering blows to America’s prestige and international stature.
Langley University researchers also published the comments of survey participants, who asked some tough questions about the competence of U.S. policy makers.
- Elaine Jacobson of McClean, Virginia complained, “We just don’t drop bombs like we used to. Back during the first Gulf War against Saddam, I could watch the war on CNN all day. And I heard that the Vietnam War was on TV every night. Now you don’t see so much on TV. Even the new Star Wars movie is more exciting than the wars I see on TV these days.”
- “I sometimes wonder whether losing so many wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, and Syria is the most effective and humanitarian use of our tax dollars,” said Jamie Somers of San Francisco.
- “I believe in America,” said John Benson of Tampa, Florida. “It’s just that Trump and his generals don’t know what they are doing. Maybe it would help if we knew what the master plan was. They should tell us!!”
- Linder Beaverton of Dallas, Texas responded: “It seems like we are actually helping ISIS to fight Assad, and only pretending to fight them for the cameras. Didn’t ISIS chop people’s heads off in those scary videos? Then why are we attacking ISIS’s main enemy, Assad? I’m not a multi-talented genius, a four-star general, or a Donald Trump, but I still don’t just get it.”
- “I mean, I know we are still number 1 and everything,” said Martin Fierro of Miami, Florida. “USA! USA! and everything. But I don’t understand why the government is not trying to raise the standard of living of the middle classes. They are only enriching themselves, even though it does not help the nation as a whole. I find this very puzzling.”
- “Lately, I’ve been telling new people I meet that I’m from Canada,” said Bobbie Benson of Los Angeles. “Trump’s presidency has removed all credibility from the idea of American supremacy. To the world at large, Americans seem dumber than ever before. Dumber than Dumb and Dumber.”
While these few skeptics harbor doubts about the manifest destiny of the most powerful nation in human history to execute its plan for global hegemony, most mainstream Americans remain confident in U.S. plans for global domination.