There Oughta Be An Expiration Date…

Sunday, April 24th, 2022

Published 3 years ago -

…for women who flaunt their décolletage long after their décollet has aged.

for guys who continue to dress like Tony Manero despite the fact that Saturday Night’s Fever subsided decades ago.

…for late-night TV sitcom reruns that we’ve seen so many times that they now put us to sleep, which, at late night, is their one saving grace.

…for aging singers who, rather than sounding like their “old selves,” now just sound like their old selves.

…for ladies who go on getting the “pixie cut” till the only mischievous thing about them are their grandkids.

for cologne-loving men who douse themselves with “Versace’s Blue Jeans” long after they can fit into a pair.

…for weekend warriors whose trips to the basketball court are increasingly accompanied by trips to the emergency room.

…for Facebook “Memories” re-posts of years-ago events that are no more interesting than they were years ago.  (Though, on the positive side, the people do look younger.)

…for Broadway Show commercials that feature long-gone original cast members, with the possible exception of those with Broadway treasure Patti Lupone…because, well, because she’s Patti Lupone.

…for cars that are on their deathbed but the owners just can’t bear to part with them because they’ve grown to love them like family, and no matter how many times they have them resuscitated and how much their spouses plea with them, the loving owners still refuse to agree to a DNR.

…for Hillary Clinton’s emails.

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