Springtime for Donald in Washington

Monday, February 11th, 2019

Published 6 years ago -

Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz says one shouldn’t compare Adolph Hitler to Donald Trump and he’s right, because it’s unfair to Hitler.

Hitler heeded his call to serve in the Austrian army during WWI when he showed up in Salzburg for his physical, which he failed. Undeterred, Hitler enlisted and fought with the German army, winning an Iron Cross and other citations for bravery in some of the fiercest struggles of the war. In the 1960s, when America needed troops to fight in Vietnam, Donald Trump, a former varsity footballer, found a podiatrist who was a tenant of his father’s to diagnose bone spurs in what had otherwise been an athletic body. This allowed him to obtain a draft deferment and time to chase women, golf balls, and New York City real estate contracts.

Hitler was a penniless artist who rose to fame and fortune in the tyrant trade by dint of screaming and tons of hard work. He didn’t have a wealthy family or a dad with deep pockets to give him a leg up in attacking foreign countries and conquering the world. Trump was a daddy’s boy whose father gave him hundreds of millions of dollars and made sure he was too rich to fail by bailing his son out of numerous bad business transactions. If Trump had had to go it alone like Hitler he probably would have wound up a prisoner in a tower rather than having a tower named after him.

Hitler was loyal to his lady. Although he could have frolicked with any fräulein in the fatherland the fuehrer was faithful to his mistress, Eva Braun, whom he never had a prenup with. In appreciation for his loyalty, Eva went the extra mile for her Herr by immolating herself with Hitler in a bunker in Berlin. Trump, on the other hand, cheated on all of his three wives, shtupping star-struck starlets and grabbing women by the pussy. Afterwards he made deals with some of his dolls to keep their mouths shut about their tawdry tête-à-têtes. Rather than going up in flames with Trump many of his paramours lawyered up so as not to be burnt later by their corpulent Casanova.

Hitler had genuine political beliefs. Though those beliefs were sick, vile, and repugnant, and it would have been far better for the world if Hitler had never been born, the fuehrer was not tuning in to Fritz & Friends to decide what to do. And Hitler was not in it for the Deutschmarks. Trump is only in the US-president-game for the money he can make for himself and his family. From trying to construct a Trump Tower in Moscow to billing lobbyists and foreign leaders who stay at his hotel in Washington to raising membership fees and selling tickets to events at Mar-a-Lago that promise access to the president, Trump has shown time and time again that he views the presidency as a cash cow to be milked for every penny.

They say a man who loves pets can’t be all bad and Hitler loved his German Shepherd, Blondi, keeping her by his side and allowing her to sleep in his bed in his bunker in Berlin. Trump, unlike almost every other US president, has no pets because loving a living thing besides himself would be alien to his nature. The only pet Trump might consider owning would be a pet rock that he could brand and sell on television.

Hitler’s henchmen were bright guys who wanted their country to be number one among nations (think Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring, Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels, Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop). Trump’s associates are a team of morons who could care less about America. Their motto is give to get, for yourself (think EPA Secretary Scott Pruitt, HHS Secretary Tom Price, and Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke). Hitler would have never countenanced rank corruption in his ranks. For Trump, rank corruption among his lackeys outranks anything else.

Finally, Hitler hated the Russians. He went so far as to send troops into the Soviet Union during World War II to make Russia a German satellite. Trump adores the Russkies. His favorite world leader is Vladimir Putin, a man who is almost as immoral and corrupt as he is.

The bottom line in all this is that when it comes to dictators and would-be dictators, birds of a feather can be looked at together; even though some may be worse than others.

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