Sofa So Bad for JD Vance
Sunday, August 4th, 2024“Childless Cat Ladies Have No Stake in Our Future.”
Paul Lander is a TV comedy writer, award-winning columnist and producer. His humor pieces have appeared in MAD, American Bystander, Weekly Humorist, McSweeneys, National Lampoon, Robot Butt, Little Old Lady Blog, Humor Times, Humor Outcasts, Politipod, and more. He’s written stand-up material that’s been performed on The Daily Show, Real Time, Conan, David Letterman: The Kennedy Center Mark Twain Prize and The DL Hughley Show.
Dan McConnell, NCS cartoonist since 2012, published in MAD, Reader’s Digest, and others. Online with The Satirist, American Bystander, Weekly Humorist, Humor Outcasts and others. cartoonydan[at]