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Mitt Romney Wins Nobel Prize in Literature

Published 12y ago -

In an unprecedented move, the Nobel Literature committee gave its Literature award to Mitt Romney, praising his six-year campaign for the White House as “Dadaist performance art” and “theatre of the absurd of the highest order not seen since ... More »

Supporters Praise Romney for “Not Being Obama”

Published 13y ago -

While it is clear that millions of people support Romney mainly because he is not Obama, others support Romney because he vows to rollback health care insurance for the uninsured. Some are impressed with his determination to start another Middle Eastern war. B... More »

Romney Takes a Firm Stand against Gay Polygamy

Published 13y ago -

Despite his somewhat ambiguous stances on gay marriage and polygamy, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney avowed that he was “dead set against gay polygamy. Gay polygamy would be very confusing for everyone involved, and must never be tolerated.” ... More »

Mitt Romney Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

Published 13y ago -

The Committee for the Nobel Peace Prize stunned the world today by granting its prestigious award to Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney. “Never before has a rich, white Mormon run for the Presidency of the United States on a major party ticket,” s... More »

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