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Published 1m ago -

Arthur by Casey Alexander Ted’s boss wanted an explanation; his eyebrows conveyed that the situation was grave. He stood accused of unauthorized leisure, of shirking a critical duty: in the excitement of filling out the monthly reports, he’d forgotten the ... More »

Fallen Friends at Fallen Leaf

Published 5y ago -

Roger chugged up to the woodsy landing in a metal rowboat with a spluttering outboard motor.  He wore a slouch hat, torn shirt, baggy trousers and moccasins without socks.  His mouth hung open to exaggerate his surprise and welcome.  He beamed at me with hi... More »

Pro Noun

Published 6y ago -

She or he, or them or they; We’re all the same in some small way. We crazy laugh, and then we cry As dreams unmet leave us with “why?” Blake’s famous poem says it so: We all are meant for “joy and woe.” As suns do set they also rise Upon our hearts... More »

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