W.T. Fallon

W.T. Fallon

Show BioHide BioW.T. Fal­lon be­lieves if you can’t say some­thing nice, you should say some­thing funny and to­tally true. She has few mar­ketable skills, but is highly tal­ented in the ar­eas of sar­casm, satire, and snark. For the past sev­eral years, she has writ­ten for the lo­cal Grid­iron Show, and this year she started a blog called Sharable Sar­casm. The 2016 elec­tion pro­vided so many op­por­tu­ni­ties for hu­mor that she de­cided to write her first novel, a po­lit­i­cal satire called Fail to the Chief, which will be re­leased in Sep­tem­ber.

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