Thomas Belton

Thomas Belton

Show BioHide BioThomas Belton is an author with extensive publications in fiction, poetry, non-fiction, magazine feature writing, science writing, and journalism. His professional memoir, “Protecting New Jersey’s Environment: From Cancer Alley to the New Garden State” (Rutgers University Press) won “Best Book in Science Writing for the General Public” by the New Jersey Council for the Humanities. His most recently published short stories in 2021 include “Seneca Village Arises,” (Meet Me @ 19th Street Journal), which was awarded “Best First Chapter” in the journal’s contest for a Young Adult novel dealing with racial inequality. and “Peter-by-the-Bay” (Adelaide Literary Magazine) His short story, “The Murderous Wood,” featuring T.S. Eliot, Sir James George Frazer, and Robert Graves as sleuths was published in “Mystery Weekly Magazine” in 2019. He has also published short stories in the Young Adult literary magazine Cicada, “The Bargeman’s Daughter” and The Arts News, “Atelier.” He is also a poet and his most recently published poems were in the journals, New World Writing, “Bus Ryde to Skool.” and The Ekphrastic Review “Wonderland” . In non-fiction he has published hundreds of scientific articles and essays. His 2021 essay on climate change was published in “Superstition Review,” the literary magazine of Arizona State University titled “Sea Level Rise and the Two Cultures.” He was also interviewed on science writing in the era of climate change for that same publication: He is also a frequent Op-Ed writer for the New York Times, The Baltimore Sun, and The Philadelphia Inquirer.

1 post


Memo Wars

Published 4y ago -

By Thomas Belton       MEMORANDUM Environmental Oversight Committee United States House of Representatives   To: Lawrence C. Jones: USEPA, Chief, Bureau of Monitoring and Extractions From:  Wallace J. Ebbits, Esq., Executive Assistant to R... More »

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