Donald N.S. Unger

Donald N.S. Unger

Show BioHide BioWebsiteDon Unger was born at New York’s Mount Sinai Hospital and has spent more than fifty years now touring medical facilities across Europe and the Americas. He has published about thirty short stories, a handful of poems, hundreds of journalistic pieces, and done a few dozen radio commentaries for local NPR affiliates. He writes the occasional unpublishable novel as well—one of which was his MFA thesis. He was disappointed to discover that his PhD did not earn him a prescription pad. He accepts that writing is clear evidence of mental illness; he also understands that any relief writing provides is symptomatic and temporary. He has had a headache since 1990.

21 posts

Sesame Street: The Lawsuit

Published 6y ago -

Our client contends that the children’s television program Sesame Street — between its debut in 1969 and the point when “my parents couldn’t force me to watch it anymore,” in 1971 — did him painful and irreparable harm: emotionally, intelle... More »

At the King’s Gate

Published 6y ago -

Once upon a time there was a powerful Wizard King, named Usa, who lived in a grand castle, ruling a rich and fertile land. Centuries before, the land had belonged to the Naidni peoples and Usa’s forbearers had taken it from them in a series of bloody wars. U... More »


Queen Jules and Me

Published 6y ago -

I have no doubt whatsoever that Julia Louis-Dreyfus and I are going to be very happy together. But—please!—don’t spoil the surprise if you see her before I do. The restraining order is slowing things down just a little; I’ll admit that. And it might ha... More »


Trump Assassination Hoax Revealed!

Published 6y ago -

15 March 2107 New-New Amsterdam Federated States of the Americas Data archaeologists have had a breakthrough in researching the fall of the First American Republic, confirming that the alleged attempt to assassinate President Donald J. Trump, which precipitate... More »

Help Make Grocery Shopping Worse!

Published 6y ago -

Your application to join the elite team of customers who make going to the supermarket a most special kind of Hell has been received (for which: thank you) and is currently being evaluated, which usually takes eight to ten business days. As that processing goe... More »

Update from The White-ish House

Published 7y ago -

Met with the head of my national security team around 5AM, as per usual. Bailey prefers our meetings to take place while we’re in motion, so we circumnavigated the park as we did the daily threat assessment. We seem to largely still be in sync regarding prio... More »

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