David Comfort

David Comfort

Show BioHide BioDAVID COMFORT is the author of popular nonfiction titles from Simon and Schuster, Citadel/Kensington and Writer’s Digest Books. His short fiction appears in Evergreen Review, 3AM magazine, Morning News, and Eclectica. He is a Pushcart Fiction Prize nominee, and finalist for Chicago Tribune Nelson Algren, Narrative, and Glimmer Train Awards. His literary essays appear in Pleiades, The Montreal Review, Stanford Arts Review, Free Inquiry, Johns Hopkins' Dr. T.J. Eckleburg Review, and The Philosopher (UK).

13 posts

The Elements of Bile

Published 11y ago -

by David Comfort “Forget grammar and think about potatoes.” Gertrude Stein In 1918, Cornell professor, William Strunk, Jr., self-published The Elements of Style. In the introduction, his student, E.B. White, boasted that the 70-page primer fit “the rules... More »

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