Adrian Chapman

Adrian Chapman

Show BioHide BioAdrian Chap­man teaches Eng­lish lit­er­a­ture for Uni­ver­sity of Notre Dame and Florida State Uni­ver­sity at their cen­tres in Lon­don, Eng­land. In ad­di­tion to his aca­d­e­mic work, he has pub­lished fic­tion in Ars Med­ica, has a short story up­com­ing in The Jour­nal of Med­ical Hu­man­i­ties, and has had verse pub­lished by Uni­ver­sity of Glas­gow.

1 post


Go Ape!

Published 7y ago -

Adrian Chapman 29 August 2017 The problem was the same for all the beasts. It was not simply that things were not what they used to be. It was rather that they were not what they used to be. Lions weren’t as proud. Monkeys had lost their talent for imitation... More »