About The Satirist

Thursday, April 25th, 2002

Published 23 years ago -

About The Satirist

Since 1999, millions of readers and web crawlers have read The Satirist “America’s Most Critical Journal”.

The Satirist  features original works of satire, parody, and “news”, fiction and poems, essays, as well as serious book reviews, movie reviews.

Contributors to The Satirist include professors from Columbia, NYU, and many other universities around the world, as well as professional writers and journalists for New York Times, LA Times, and other publications.

The Satirist is now widely used as an educational resource as assigned and recommended reading material by high schools and universities in many countries for its classic satire, literary criticism, fiction, essays, and film reviews.

Articles in The Satirist have been referenced in books, academic journals, and other publications, including The Guardian, The Atlantic, The Learning Channel, Grantland, Wikipedia, and the National Review, among many others.

The Satirist wishes it were The New Yorker, aspiring to lofty heights of wit, sophistication and perspicacity. While The Satirist does publish satirical news (like  The Onion), we encourage satire in its myriad forms (including poetry).

Satirical news, imaginary criticism, and genuine criticism happily co-exist on the website. However, these should all be easy enough to distinguish. “Imaginary review” is usually used to distinguish reviews of imaginary works from the reviews of actual books or films.

The Satirist – Stay in Touch

The Satirist – The Book

The Satirist: America's Most Critical Book - cover

(If you don’t want to read it, you should buy it for a friend.)

Site Organization

Thus, the URL (web address) of each article indicates whether it is satirical or not.

The Satirist – Advertising

If you would like to place ads on The Satirist, then please send an email to thesatir[at]thesatirist.com.


Editor / Head Writer: Dan Geddes
Contributing Editor: Eric Bourland
Copyediting, Photography, and additional graphics: Andrew Geddes
Graphics and illustrations: Fred Schellart


The Satirist (online) features the works of these contributors.


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Get the book! The Satirist - America's Most Critical Book (Volume 1)

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