November 2019
The Dying Roar of the Lions
“Ladies and gentlemen, they and them and y’all, wives and wives, husbands and wives, husbands and husbands, significant others; I’m glad you, them, their, y’alls could be here this evening.” Inwardly, he breathed a sigh of relief. No one had called h... More »
Fear and Loathing in Alaska: Where Men Are Men and the Bears are Scary
Snow is falling, but I am not in a white world. At the Anchorage airport, broad-faced natives move through the lobby with the weary look of the world’s indigenous; Pacific-rim Asians with deal-making cell phones dial home; and an Afr... More »
Taking a Shot at Loyalty
During his 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump said he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and he wouldn’t lose any voters. While that statement may not have been completely accurate—e.g., if the person Trump shot was one of h... More »
Our Lady of The Price Is Right
By Steve Provizer Unfortunately, I recently had to spend a lot of time at a rehab facility, visiting my mom. Caretakers came and went, but the TV set was ever faithful. I had the chance to re-acquaint myself with one of the fundamental American religious ritua... More »
Out with the Old, In with the Newspeak
I pour myself a mug of hot steaming Victory Coffee, light up a Victory Cigarette and daydream about getting off work here at the Ministry of Truth . . . home to my apartment in Victory Mansions and a glass of Victory Gin. The apartment, I should mention, is a ... More »
Satire in the Global Village
Satire in the Global Village By Dan Geddes[1] From the talk, “Satire in the Global Village” given at the Institute of General Semantics’ symposium on “Language and Reality” on October 3, 2015 at the Princeton Club in New York. First published in Anek... More »
Fallen Friends at Fallen Leaf
Roger chugged up to the woodsy landing in a metal rowboat with a spluttering outboard motor. He wore a slouch hat, torn shirt, baggy trousers and moccasins without socks. His mouth hung open to exaggerate his surprise and welcome. He beamed at me with hi... More »